
Idea Cooperative eLearning

by Anand Tiwary January 25, 2021

The dilemma, of whether you should polish the gems you already have or trade that off for what apparently glitters (but all that glitters are not gold) is nothing new. That is in crux of cooperative elearning.

Only a few companies, whilst implementing a change, get it right. It only happens when they offer a better product or service in terms of pricing and quality. That is when the clients move towards the desired direction.  But how can you drive their attention towards it? This is where eLearning comes into the picture.  To get their attention back you just need one trick “involvement and innovation”. How? Simply by making your employees familiar with the basics and eLearning makes sure it does not seem to be an obligation. With the advanced ways of corporate eLearning, you will win the race.

I] Web eLearning

As the name suggests, this version of corporate eLearning is probably the most basic version. This gives the opportunity to the employees to access the content anytime from anywhere.

Now comes the pros and the cons of this kind of eLearning-

  • The pros of web eLearning:

-The access is easy and convenient, as all that’s requires accessing a website is good connectivity.

-Flexibility in terms of time comes next, as you can access your choice of website practically 24/7.

-Glued to your chair for classes? Not anymore as learning from the web can be done from anywhere. Given there is an internet connection. Whether it’s your comfy couch or in the Uber on your way back home from a date.

  • The cons of web eLearning:

However, the lack of interaction and engagement in one-dimensional web based learning is definitely a negative aspect. The lack of engagement often bores the learners.


-Lack of personalization leaves doubt unattended (the clarification process is DIY because web learning is not a two-way process).

II] The virtual classrooms

The concept of blackboard, benches, and all the physical elements of a classroom has now been confined within a rectangular box with a screen. Virtual classroom, the concept remains similar, but with a different essence. Among other types of learning methods, virtual classrooms happen to be the closest to our ever-familiar trainer-led approach.

  • Pros of a virtual classroom:

-This two-way learning method enables better teacher- learning engagements. Thus, leaving less room for assumptions and promoting factual learning.

-Even though you are not physically present in the classrooms. Your virtual presence helps you in having to share a slice of your mind with others learning at the same thing. It is like a discussion board where virtual learners can interact with the teacher and also amongst themselves.

-How a company uses its money is a big deal, and when it comes to training employees, virtual classrooms save quite a few bucks with zero physical requirements for the setup.

III] Social media and eLearning

While social media and eLearning have a great buzz around each especially after the recent quarantine period increasing the popularity by several notches. Their collaborative goodness is still a hidden gem. Think of giving your employees an online task. Try and engage them through the different social media channel so the learning becomes part of their daily lives.

  • Pros of social media eLearning:

-Learning gets entertaining.

-It gives you a chance to socialize with your colleagues while remote working, enhancing teamwork and collaboration skills.

IV] eLearning through online games

Games and learning traditionally are even though looked at as absolute antonyms. But corporate learning proves it wrong by combining the best of both to serve the purpose of learning without letting monotony set in during the process. The gamification feature allows the learner to dive into the shoes of the protagonist of the plot. The achievements are earned in the form of rewards, leader board rankings, and levels for added fun!

  • Pros of gamification:

-It is a fun, interactive, engaging process.

-These types of training methods enable the learners to face real-life scenarios as a part of the game and polish skills to overcome hurdles in the organizational place holders.

V] Microlearning

Microlearning prioritizes convenience over speed for training and breaks monstrous course content into small forms of information. Such modules typically run for a short period of time, which ideally happens for 10 minutes and address one concern at a time.


Time and tide wait for none, and it seems like technology has joined that group too! With the business taking no time to get tailor-made eLearning solutions onboard, postponing the plan to develop yours may be synonymous with regret later. So, buckle up and make your game strong.

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