
Improve, Analyze & Accelerate – The Three Pillars of Employee Development Training

by Anand Tiwary January 16, 2021
Improve, Analyze _ Accelerate - The Three pillars of employee development training

What are the skills your employees need to get the job done as well as be productive in the workplace? Well, this article knocks down points which will help you train your employees online with a job task analysis.

A job task analysis (JTA) helps you in evaluate your employee work duties and to personalize the online training experience. It delivers you the strengths and the weaknesses of your employees. This gives you a brief on how you can make the best out of them for better production in work. You can always pinpoint the areas for improvements and work on them. Another key benefit is that you can adjust company protocols and policies according to your employee’s performance. For a better understanding read through tips to enrich your online training with a job task analysis.

Tips to Implement Job Task Analysis in Organizational Training Programs

1. Divulge The Employees Perspective Through Surveys and Polls

How does the employee rate the difficulties being faced in the task? Are there areas where your employees need to improve their knowledge? How often do they perform their tasks and how does it fit into their overall work duties? For example, is it a crucial process that they conduct every day? Make sure you are conducting polls and surveys where you are taking down your employees’ input. And start to see things from their perspective as it will help you create a better work atmosphere.

Always keep in mind that the individuals who develop the protocolsare not usually the ones who have to perform the tasks. Thus, this makes them view the whole thing from a theoretical standpoint. But your employees can show you an inside look at the practical aspect of the task and weather it holds up in the real world.

2. Spot Crusial Skill and Performance Gaps That Tie Into Jobs Tasks

The tasks are majorly carried out without thinking about the skills and the knowledge that are involved. For example, the call center representators do not consider the active listening, communication, and problem-solving skills they use to resolve the customer issues. Nor do the experiences that they are drawing out to improve the quality of customer care.

During any job analysis you must take careand delve into the process to identify the skill, knowledge and expertise that is required. Disclosing the skill gaps that are diminishing the employee performance and productivity so that you can develop the relevant online training materials. This will help you in understanding the core problem and set proper analysis.

3. Pin Down The Steps Involved In Task Performance

Before starting and task it is particularly important to have a plan. It helps you start in an organized form. In addition to the fundamental skills employees must process, you need to map out the steps that call for specific abilities. For example, in the sales process there is an incredibly careful analysis of the customer needs. Then the product is moved to identification phase and negotiations.

Create a vertical representation of the task from the very beginning to the end, complete with screen shorts and brief explanations. This helps you understand and examine the chronology of the process during the job analysis and weather there are extraneous steps you can omit.

4. Break Subtasks and Knowledge Into Steps

Breaking down the subtasks and knowledge would require broader divisions so break it down into individual steps. You should break it down into further subtasks, information, and requirements. By using the same sales example (analyzing the customers needs) requires a vast knowledge and skill over the product knowledge and even the brand awareness. This is due to the fact that your employee must be well versed with the company standards when they are concluding the transactions.

5. Get An In-House Expert On Board

Before starting any job make sure that you are well educated in that field. Enlist the aid od a subject matter or even someone from within the organization that is knowledgeable about the topic for job task analysis. They will be able to evaluate the process from an experienced point of view.


A job task analysis is a team effort. All the members of the origination must works in a team in order to dissect the task, break it down into skill building blocks, and identify sticking points. While the LMS and the HR manager can always offer firsthand insights.

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