
Scenario-Based Learning – 3 Reasons Why Learners are Preferring It More?

by Anand Tiwary February 28, 2020
Scenario Based Learning

Know Why Scenario-Based Learning Is Loved By Learners?

The world of e-learning is dynamic and fast-evolving. With more and more students turning to the internet for course materials and online academies, the number of online courses being sold is at an all-time high. Online education is a whole new ball-game. Videos are replacing the texts and Case Scenarios are replacing the tedious lecturers.

  1. Do you have a course that you want to sell?

  2. Do you wonder what would make your course more attractive to your learners?

  3. Have you been wondering about the techniques that could enhance the learning path for your students?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then you will want to explore the technique of learning highlighted in this article. Here, we are going to explore the advantages of a new learning technique known as the scenario-based learning technique. Digitally, teachers or mentors have a lack of hands-on interaction with the learners which often poses a challenge for them. To overcome this challenge, new learning techniques are being adopted to create the best online courses. Some of the top best-seller courses on LMS platforms use this learning technique to enhance the digital experience for the learners.

What do you mean by scenario-based learning experiences?

Scenario-based learning is a technique that utilizes graphics and other content to build an interactive situation for the students going through the course. For example, if the course content covers topics such as languages, then scenario-based learning would include some dialogue between the student and some entity made from graphics. This would not only be engaging and interesting for the student but it would also allow them to explore the knowledge they have gathered and practiced it. Thus, scenario-based learning can also be used to enhance the hands-on experience of learning and practically applying the knowledge learnt through the online course.

Simply put, the scenarios help students to put the information into context. For example, the graphics and other constructs help students to have audiovisual memory of the topics which makes it easier to remember the topics covered. Scenario-based learning also depends a lot on feedback, thus utilizing this technique would let you know which students are progressing well and which students need more attention to overcome tough topics. Thus, course mentors and guides can use feedback from this learning technique as well as assignment scores to provide support to the students lagging behind.

Is the scenario-based learning technique truly effective?

Statistics show that gross content such as monotonous PDFs and long video lectures are not enough to hold the interest of the average student. 72% of students report that they have a better time learning and remembering topics if the video lectures are backed up with assignments or practical tasks that they can apply their minds to. If you are trying to create content that is engaging and interesting for your students then utilizing scenario-based learning might become crucial for you.

Some of the major advantages of scenario-based learning are as follows:

  • Interactive: Scenarios or stories are instinctively attractive to students because they are curious to know the outcomes of each action. They also find it a fun challenge to explore puzzles and apply the knowledge they gain throughout the course. It is also a positive way to assess the progress of the student without putting pressure on them unlike other assessment tools such as exams and tests.
  • Feedback and assessment: Scenarios help the course moderator to understand the progress of the student. For example, if a student fails to pass basic scenarios then the course moderator can use that feedback to know that this student is not learning well from the course and may discontinue it soon.
  • Dynamic tool: Scenario-based learning technique may be question-based exploration-based or a combination of both. As per the needs of the course, you can choose the type of scenarios you need to engage the interest of your learners. You can also use the feedback of the scenarios to direct the student to certain sections of the course. For example, if your student fails a scenario about chapter 5 of your course then you can use tools to direct the student back to chapter 5 to recover the course content provided there.

Scenario-based learning can be extremely useful for courses such as leadership training or grooming classes where real-life scenarios can be easily portrayed to the student for real-time decision making. However, now everyone is now using them in regular subject teaching. That is where it is become more relevant and effective. The modern learners do not have the time to go through an 81 page long document. That is why, visual scenarios are getting more popular in the field of online education. provides you with the tools and the resources to create online courses that are engaging and interesting.


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